We are working towards an energy transition that is itself a driver of real economic development, employment inclusion, and environmental sustainability.
The promotion of an enabling regulatory and institutional environment: in particular, policies in favor of green investments are needed (e.g. regulation of EPC-Energy Performance Contracting), in order also to foster a renewed relationship of trust at the country level
Why Tessa ?
Lebanon is currently facing an economic, financial, employment, political, and social crisis, and one of the main causes of this crisis is the energy problem.
Mismanagement of energy by the politically influenced public system has led to unsustainable debt levels, resulting in Lebanon’s financial default in 2019. The consequences of this crisis include inflation, rising poverty, high unemployment rates, political deadlock, social protests, and a general lack of trust in the system. To address this crisis and pave the way for development in Lebanon, it is essential to find a sustainable solution to the energy problem. An initiative has been proposed to encourage an energy transition that can drive economic development, employment inclusion, and environmental sustainability
Promoting the development of green businesses
precisely because the centralized energy management is unreliable and inefficient, green solutions are more promising; it is a question of supporting them in terms of better structuring, access to credit and growth
Training of the necessary skills and professional profiles
Paradoxically, some companies are looking for employees and cannot find them, and training centers that train people who cannot find any work.
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The initiative involves several partners, including the Lead CSO ICU, which has experience in productive activities and energy transition in Lebanon. Other partners include CSO ELIS, ENEA (Italian energy transition reference body), Berytech (organization specializing in business development), Fondation Diane (organization promoting entrepreneurship with a social impact), and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture in Lebanon (FCCIAL).
Additionally, the initiative collaborates with other entities at a wider level. For example, Berytech works with public and private financial institutions in Lebanon, while ICU collaborates with the Italian Ministry of the Environment for financial facilities related to green technologies.